DJ Experience - BPM Supreme - December 11, 2019
From The DJ’s Vault: Wedding Emergency Kit for Couples

We’re back with another helpful video straight from The DJ’s Vault, the mobile DJ-focused website launched earlier this year by our good friend Joe Bunn. As a mobile DJ expert and business owner, Joe knows the importance of impressing clients and gaining their trust. In this video, Joe shows us his “Wedding Emergency Kit,” a creative gift box that he personally gives to clients to use on their big day.

The “Wedding Emergency Kit” includes things like stain-removing wipes, bandages, and safety pins. As a mobile DJ, you want to go the extra mile for your clients. Something as simple as this emergency kit can help you get those five-star reviews and referrals! 

The DJ’s Vault is like a members only club where you’ll find videos, articles, essential documents, and other tools that mobile DJs can use to grow and manage a successful business. Find more helpful content on The DJ’s Vault website and be sure to subscribe to BPM Supreme’s YouTube for more videos like this one.

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