Company News - BPM Supreme - December 22, 2017
We’re Giving Away Five SubPacs – Enter to Win Before December 31

We said it wouldn’t be long to wait for the next giveaway — and we meant it. Five lucky winners will soon be chosen to take home a SubPac, the audio technology that converts sound into high fidelity vibrations you can feel. There will be three S2 seated bass packs to give away and two exclusive custom BPM Supreme SubPac M2X wearable packs that you can’t find anywhere else.

The giveaway begins today and will end on December 31, 2017, so head over to bpmsupreme.com/subpacgiveaway and submit your entry!

“In the studio or in the booth, SubPac technology allows you to experience sound and bass in a whole new way. We’re excited to team with this innovative company to give DJs and producers a chance at winning gear that will help you to excel in your career,” said BPM Supreme’s Manager of Artist Relations & Partnerships, Raj Thomas.

Founded in 2013, SubPac is pioneering a revolution in physical audio by enabling experiential sound to improve all forms of entertainment – not only music, but also video games, virtual reality, and cinema. Find out more about their products here or follow them on Facebook

Make sure to get your entry in before the deadline on December 31. We’ll be announcing the five winners in early January 2018. Good luck!


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