In case you missed it, yesterday we announced the five lucky winners of the SubPac Giveaway live on our Facebook page. Congratulations to the three winners of an S2 seated bass pack: Ryan Lennox, Karl Anthony and Steve Rubach; as well as the two grand prize winners of an exclusive custom BPM Supreme SubPac M2X wearable pack: Rici Loc and Stefan Cvetkovic.
With help from special guest, music producer and recording artist, Kenneth Paige, we got a closer look at the prizes and talked to Paige about why his SubPac is an essential tool for producing music like his newest single, Ride the Wave.
“I like the low frequencies because I’m really heavy on bass and I like stuff to knock and boom. (SubPac) gives me that feel like I’m in a 1970 Cutlass, top down, two twelves in the trunk,” Paige said of his M2X wearable SubPac. “Amtrak, airplane, wherever I’m at, the car, I have my SubPac on for sure.”
The SubPac Giveaway ran from December 22 through December 31, 2017 and received close to 5,000 entries. BPM Supreme is excited to share these awesome prizes from SubPac, an innovative company changing the way DJs and producers experience sound. Learn more about their products here or follow them on Facebook.
Check out the full video from our Facebook live stream and stay tuned for more giveaways right around the corner!