Tips & Tricks - BPM Supreme - February 9, 2018
Tips and Tricks for Using a Mic at DJ Gigs

As a DJ, you might find that using a microphone is not only fun and engaging, but also mandatory for the job. If you’re a mobile DJ and are responsible for emceeing weddings or other private events, you may already feel comfortable getting on the loudspeaker. But if you’re just starting out, it can be pretty intimidating.

We’ve put together a quick list of tips and tricks for using a microphone. Whether you’re trying to get the crowd hyped up at a nightclub, or introducing the newlyweds during their first dance, follow this advice for a smooth and professional presentation.

Do a Sound Check

First and foremost, you should always complete a sound check before any gig begins. Even the most experienced DJ can run into sound issues. Whether you’re working alone or with a sound technician, test the volume levels around the full space of the room and make sure all components are in working order.

mic body

The Basics

It’s a delicate balancing act – you want the crowd to be able to hear you loud and clear, but you also don’t want to be too loud. In order to achieve the perfect volume when speaking into a microphone, make sure to hold the mic at a 45-degree angle and about 1 to 2 inches from your mouth. By doing so, your voice will hit the top-most point of the microphone and you’ll avoid blocking your entire face.

holding mic

Know Your Stuff

While the microphone is your tool to communicate with an audience, you also need to prepare what you’re actually going to say. This is especially important if you’re working at a wedding or private event. Ask the host for some bullet points or a short script. Read it out loud a few times before the event starts and you’ll be much more comfortable.


Volume Levels and Feedback

  • Turn on the mic before you start speaking (of course). It also doesn’t hurt to do a mic check “1-2” before you get started.
  • Don’t try to talk over your music. Turn down the volume of your tunes and wait a second before beginning to speak. Nothing is worse than having the crowd miss the first half of what you said.
  • Turn off the mic before you put it down so that you don’t cause an unwanted boom over the speaker system.
  • Prevent feedback by keeping your monitor speaker in the booth at a lower volume.
  • Try to keep ambient sounds away from the mic, such as background conversations.
mic set up

Photo credit: MusicOomph.com


Essential for mobile DJs, a windsock cuts out noise like wind, air ruffles, and heavy breathing. Windsocks are made with foam that’s designed to absorb unwanted sounds. Simply place one of these directly over the mic, and instantly you’ll have cleaner sound projecting across the venue.


Find the Perfect Mic

If you plan to use a microphone regularly, it’s best to invest in one of your own. Choosing a model that fits your style will allow you to be even more comfortable using it. Some mics are more powerful than others, so experiment with a few. A dynamic mic will work better in a nightclub, while a condenser mic is best for intimate settings.

headphones mic


It’s all about confidence! Stand tall, take a deep breath, speak slow and clear, and try focusing on one person in the crowd if it helps. Remember to move the mic when you move your head so that you’re always speaking directly into it.

Once you become more comfortable, you’ll be able to walk around the room and be an overall engaging emcee!


Let us know if you found these tips helpful and if you have any additional advice. We want to hear from you!


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